"The Man Who Couldn't Clap" is a short story of a man looking back on his life. Caught in a complicated affliction that makes it impossible for him to clap or put his hands together, he ultimately finds a way to live with it. A dance of acceptance, a silent applause to learning to live with what life hands us.
Directed by Josh S. Rose & Hyunoh Chang
Original Concept by: Hyunoh Chang
Executive Producers: Hyunoh Chang & Liam Young
Director of Photography: Robbie Tharp
Editing, Color & Sound: Josh S. Rose
Associate Producers: Sean Levitan & Juan Montoya
Gaffer: Josh S. Rose
Assistant DP: Alina Arustamyan
Art Direction: Pamela Broady
Hair & Makeup: Alexis Lamborn
Cast: Gaige Johnson, Glenn Ratcliffe, Konner Rudisill, Angela Su, Kimberley Kim, Devin Rader, Kyle Brueggemann
Crew: Saumil Upadhyay, Won, Xiangyi Zhu
Original Score by Grant Milliken, with strings by Connor Vance